Chris Electronics

Chris Electronics

Location: 255 MacArthur Dr., New Bedford, MA 02740

Email or call for working hours.

Chris Electronics is not your ordinary, run-of-mill source of electronic components. Sure, we represent hundreds of top-of-the-line manufacturers and offer top-notch service, but that's just for starters. Since our beginning in 1981, we've never had time for hidden or 'special' fees. So, we banned them from the premises. At Chris Electronics, you'll find NO handling charges, NO restocking fees, NO charge for C of Cs, and absolutely NO penalty (or grief) for last-minute or other changes. And then there's our stocking program. It's also FREE to use, and it includes as much or as little help from us as you want.

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Marina, Boat Electrician, Marine Electronics, Boat Radar, Boat GPS