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Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors

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Location: Rockland, ME 04841
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Maine Boats Homes and Harbors Magazine reflects in words and images life along the Maine waterfront. We bring a boater's sense of simplicity, practicality, and elegance to our coverage of boats, art, history, food, and how people live their lives. Founded in 1987, the magazine is published six times a year in print and in a digital edition. Our readers are affluent, educated, curious, and responsive. They love the water, Maine, and boats. They have a sense of humor, a strong conservation ethic, and a love of beautiful things, whether designed for practical use or for decoration. They appreciate and understand quality craftsmanship. Many live in Maine or spend part of the year here. Others dream about living here because Maine is a state where place still means something. We celebrate the characteristics that make the coast special, in a way that is neither simpleminded nor patronizing, but rather, dignified and with a sense of humor.


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