Summerset Marine

Summerset Marine

Location: W357s8715 Chapman Ln Unit A, Eagle, WI 53119

Email or call for working hours.

Summerset Marine is unique in the marine construction and marine service industry for its physical location and commitment to timely service. Unlike companies headquartered out of a vehicle, Summerset has a permanent factory direct location, a 24,000 sq. ft. facility in Eagle with a showroom, office, factory and warehouse. A full-time office staff keeps regular hours to answer questions, take orders and handle service requests as needed. In addition, Summerset owns a dedicated fleet for service and provides technician assistance at a flat-service rate. From onsite maintenance and delivery of piers and boat lifts to moving debris or barge services, Summerset is the most responsive and professional option for all marine construction and marine service needs.

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Boat Lift, Boat Lift Repair, Boat Dock Repair, Dock Builder